Mompreneur: The How To Guide.

Mompreneur: 9 Essential Things All Moms Need to Know in 2021!

Mompreneur- Resources to Help You Be Wildly Successful.

Mompreneur. Mom Entrepreneur Mentors: The Things I Wish I Would Have Known While Working My Business and Raising My Family.

Moms are busy people. Raising a family makes you busy, but when you throw in the added responsibilities of running a business, you may feel like a professional juggler trying your hardest every day not to drop the ball.

Todays Mom Entrepreneurs are so busy juggling their family and business, some days it may be difficult to find time to breathe.

The Business Mom believes the benefit and good advice of Moms who have already raised their families is priceless and will help you to set our priorities.

A special thank you goes to the following Moms from NAFEs For You Network for taking the time to share their thoughts and stories.

Affiliate Marketing Entrepreneur John Crestani On How To Make Money Online

Characteristics of Mompreneurs – ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Mompreneur Reminder #1: Children grow up quickly.

Meli Van Nattas son was seven years old and her daughter was four when she got into the real estate business.

Meli of Prudential California Realty says, I learned that children grow up quickly and you can never recapture the time that you miss.

If she had it to do over again, she would have arranged her schedule to spend more time with them even if it affected her business.

Now that she is older (and wiser), Meli realizes that she could have delegated some tasks, maybe taken on a partner, and she didn’t have to attend all the social events that went along with the business.

But, she was young, having fun, and feeling very powerful and successful with all the money she was making.

Meli’s kids don’t seem to feel that she neglected them. After all, they had time to go to Disneyland, the Zoo, and other places during the week when all the other mothers were at work.


So, they didn’t mind too much if she worked weekends because of her schedule. They often helped her by stuffing envelopes, going with her to knock on doors, and sitting with her at Open Houses when she couldn’t get a sitter.

Both of Meli’s children are now happily married, well-adjusted adults with kids of their own.

Her daughter has chosen to be a stay-at-home mom and is expecting her third child. Her son is the entrepreneur in the family. After a brief foray into the real estate business himself, he is now the proud owner of two successful businesses.

Meli’s Top Tips:
Learn when to turn off the phone and learn the difference between merely important and urgent. Take those vacations and make your days off sacrosanct. It may take you a little longer to reach your business goals, but you’ll be happier for it!

Mompreneur Reminder #2:

Mom entrepreneurs can take advantage of their flexible schedule to share great times with their children

Robbie Motter of Contacts Unlimited was a single parent who raised her three children (who are now grown).

Robbie loves being an entrepreneur. Robbie says, If I had known then what I know now, I would have left the corporate world earlier so I could have had the quality time with my older children that I had with my younger daughter.

Robbie took a break from work each day when her daughter came home from school for about an hour and a half so that they could spend time together before returning to work and while her daughter completed her homework.

Robbie recalls that it was she who had some hard challenges when she first became an entrepreneur.

It took awhile for things to start to move forward and times were tough. Her two older children were not too supportive at first, as they were used to the big corporate paycheck.

Many times they told her to go get a regular job, but she was determined to make it work. Before long it did, and they truly loved having her work from her home office. They shared great times together.

Robbie used to have her children help in the business. They stuffed envelopes or jobs like that, and they loved it. As they got older, Robbie let them answer the phone so they could learn the right way to do that.

Robbie’s son is an entrepreneur. He and a partner have owned a company for 18 years.

Her two girls are not entrepreneurs–they like having a big paycheck, the perks, and all the benefits that a corporate job provides. Today all of her children are very successful, own beautiful homes, and make a fantastic salary with lots of benefits.

They do not take their work home with them; they leave it at the office and come home to be totally with the family.

Mompreneur 2


Robbie’s Top Tips:
When you run your business, and if you work from home, make your children feel a part of it. When it is family time, stop worrying about business and give your children quality time.

Mompreneur: 6 Reasons Why You Need A Business Plan

A business plan is a management tool. Do you need a business plan? Yes if you:

You Need To Decide Whether To Start A Business.

This plan will help you improve your chances for success and avoid making serious mistakes. You may be the only one who reads this plan, although you should have input from a number of other people with business experience.

You need to ask yourself the following questions and incorporate the answers in your business plan:

What does it take to succeed in this type of company?

Do you have the skills and background necessary?

Can you afford to take the risk? What effect would the business’ failure have on you?

What is the growth potential for the business? Can it meet your financial expectations and requirements?

Is there a large enough market for your products/services?

Will you enjoy owning and managing the business?

A business plan is an important ingredient to the success of a start-up business.

You Want to Jump Start Your Business

Whether you’re an entrepreneur doing business on the Internet, a stay-at-home Mom with an arts and crafts company, or a writer trying to break into publishing, a business plan acts as a guide to success.

Developing your business plan helps determine your objectives and focuses you on the strategies and action plans necessary to accomplish those objectives.

If you’re looking to boost your business it’s time to answer a few questions in your business plan.

What are your skill levels and talents?

What are goals for each months sales?

What are your resources, time available, advertising and promotional budget, website?

Do you have the necessary equipment? If you don’t, how will you obtain the equipment?

What barriers do you face?

You Want To Better Organize Your Company or Improve Its Operations.

This is a time and task oriented plan for use internally. It suggests actions that need to be taken and assigns responsibility.


Mompreneur: Questions that need to be answered:

How does our company compare to leaders in its industry?

What are our management weaknesses? How can we make improvements?

How can we increase sales, serve the customer better, improve manufacturing efficiency, increase the gross margin?

Do we have the necessary resources to make the above improvements? If not how will we obtain the resources? Do we need a bank loan or line of credit?

You Are Seeking A Bank Loan.

This plan is used to inspire confidence in your banker and convince her/him that your business is a good credit risk. It is written very logically, with an emphasis on the financial projections and presentation of historical financial results.

Bankers who make bad loans get fired, so they like to err on the side of caution. A banker is looking for safety and a demonstration that the company can generate sufficient cash flow to pay the interest and the principal.

Bankers are not looking for a huge return on their money. They don’t want to take part in the management of your company or sit on the board of directors.


Your business plan will need answers to these questions:

Will the company’s cash flow be stable enough to make the payments on the loan?

Are the long term prospects of the business favorable?

Does the company have a reasonably good track record?

You Need An Investor/Partner.

The plan must demonstrate considerable upside potential for the business. The banker was content to get his money back plus, say 10% interest. The investor may want a return of 30% to 50% or more.

This plan must be written in an interesting manner and keep the reader’s attention. Your business plan is competing with all the other plans submitted to the investor.

Mompreneur 3

Mompreneur: Make sure you address the following questions:

Can the company grow rapidly?

Are the margins attractive?

Have you succeeded in other business ventures?

Is this a market that is emerging, with a large and bright future?

How much of the company are you willing to give up, both in equity and management control?

You Want To Sell Your Business

You must prove to a potential buyer that your company is worth paying a premium for.

Sometimes this can be called a marketing presentation, offering memorandum, or valuation. It is not strictly a valuation, as you are trying to establish your sales price for the business, not determine a value.

Usually a valuation is completed by an objective third party. You’re likely to be asked:

Is there untapped potential for the business that a new owner could take advantage of?

If the new owner had more capital, could the business grow more rapidly?

Are there new markets that could be entered?

Could costs be reduced and therefore profits increased?

Every business should have a business plan. It’s the road map to success. But a well thought out business plan is critical if your company is seeking financing.

Mompreneur Conclusion: These abilities are possessed by most if not all of the successful  Entrepreneurs. To some these abilities come naturally while others have to acquire them.

If you want to be successful and reach the top, the solution is obvious- possess them if not acquire them.

Please read this entire Blog if you want to learn How To Develop Mompreneur Business Characteristics.


Characteristics of Mompreneurs – ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

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Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances?

I share tips and tricks to help you make money online through blogging, side hustles and other non-traditional methods learn more.  Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube


The post Mompreneur: The How To Guide. appeared first on Red Oceanway P/L.

