Work at Home Jobs Data Entry. Discover the Emerging Trend in Affiliate Marketing That Leading Entrepreneurs Swear By.
Work at Home Jobs Data Entry: Who Else Wants to be a Winner?
Work at Home Jobs Data Entry. Quickest Way To Make Money Online, Guaranteed! No doubt the internet is saturated with money making offers, and like many of you reading this article, I have tried a considerable number of them and have ended up worse off than when I decided to join.
There are a lot of hyped up and over inflammatory promises of how you will make thousands of dollars every week for the rest of your life. Tempting as these offers may sound, they also require you to buy the “system” so that the author can reveal the well guarded money making secrets, and it is only after your Credit Card or PayPal account has been billed that you finally realize that you’ve been sold a lemon.
No doubt you’re searching for an honest business opportunity to either supplement or replace your monthly income. Believe it or not, the potential to make real money online is there, but it is surprisingly not so easy to find. A few weeks back I came across an Affiliate Marketing program that struck me as odd and unusually different. It is called Super Affiliate System- SAS.
About Super Affiliate System- SAS.
The first thing you will notice when you visit the About Super Affiliate System- SAS website is that you are readily told what the program is about before you even have to fill in your email address, let alone make a payment. The program is 100% free to join, and you should expect to earn at least $500 per day within 30 days after joining. $500 per day is the bare minimum you can expect to make after 30 days.
I reached the $500 per day figure four days after starting the program, and the figure has been climbing steadily since. My target is $1000 per day. What to Expect After signing up for free, you will receive a confirmation email, after which you receive another email with instruction on what to do next.
Trust me, these instructions could not be simpler, and they make it very easy for you to kick off your business and work towards earning money every day.
Work at Home Jobs Data Entry – ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:
Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.
What are the Risks?
As mentioned before, the program is free to join, and I have never come across an affiliate program willing to pay for your hosting. The website you get is a real deal, and you can host 24 other separate domains using the same account in addition to the About Super Affiliate System- SAS. So if you are looking to expand your online business later, this is by far the best way to get hosted for a whole year for FREE!
In addition you will also be able to register an unlimited number of email addresses with your domains. Furthermore, About Super Affiliate System- SAS has a very unique and full proof guarantee in case you don’t manage to make at least $500 per day after 30 days. Whilst most network marketing programs have a refund policy, About Super Affiliate System- SAS. goes several steps further by offering you a Guaranteed Income.
Who can Join?
Anybody with a computer and internet access can join About Super Affiliate System- SAS for free and start making money online, guaranteed. The recommended time to commit to the program is 1 – 3 hours per week. I spend at most 2 hours per week! Can I still join next year?
Quite frankly, the sooner you join the better off you’ll be. Places are limited and you might not be able to join later. After all, it is a free to join program which is truly rewarding.
To Conclude, About Super Affiliate System- SAS Website Package includes:
– Free professionally designed About Super Affiliate System- SAS Website
– Free advertising credits for search engines (Yahoo! & Google)
– Free search engine submission to all major search engines
– Free domain name
– Free personal 1-on-1 support from your Affiliate Manager
Lastly, About Super Affiliate System- SAS is not a get-rich quick program, so expect to do a lot of work the first few weeks by following the step-by-step guide. With that said, good luck starting your online business.
Work at Home Jobs Data Entry. Promoting your Affiliate Programs with Articles
If you are not creating articles for your website and your affiliate programs, you should. Why? Even though it may seem like a lot of work, and it may take you time to build — articles add a valuable commodity to your site — content. And my friend, the search engines and people alike are always on the lookout for good content.
If you are creating articles, you are always looking to find ways to get your article out to the masses and the more exposure your article has the greater the opportunity that people will read your article and want to visit your website.
Should you submit your articles manually or should you use an article marketer submission service that will choose for you — where your article goes? Is an article submission service a good option for you when submitting articles? I hope to show you both the pros and cons of this service and let you be the judge.
Pro to Article Submission Service
Article Submission Service can be a great help when your time is limited and you want to get your articles to all the article sites and groups. However, when the service is tiered, based on what you pay and don’t pay you have to be aware of what you are getting..
All services give you a sampling with a free service and I did find the free service to be on the, well, expected side. After submitting to the free service of an article submission service I received the following:
1. I received several emails that stated my article had been received by a site and would be looked at. This is usual, and a good sign.
2. I received emails from the yahoo groups, which is a good sign but I didn’t partake because I knew that I would be receiving articles from other authors on a regular basis and did not want to overwhelm my private email address. Thus, be aware, use a yahoo email address and keep your private email address separate.
The article submission to the article sites such as Ezine Articles (Which, by the way, is one of my favorite sites) and Go Articles will require a small outlay of money for each article on a monthly basis. Thus, I would use a submission service if:
1. I had a separate email address to catch the other authors articles that I would be receiving from the yahoo groups.
2. I wanted to part with my money to take advantage of the service.
3. Needed more time.
4. I have a desire for a wider exposure of my articles and thus, more traffic to my site.
Cons of Using an Article Admission Service
When looking at anything new, you must determine when it is to your advantage to use a service or to do it yourself. These are some of the issues I would have to overcome:
1. If I do the submission myself, I know that the article or articles have reached it expected destination or destinations but the exposure my article gets will be limited by the sites that I know.
2. If I’m restricted by General Titles will the article sites kick my article out because of not possibly abiding by the rules.
3. If I do it myself, I can target my article to the specific, intended audience.
For me, I will use the paid submission service when I am low on time and I have the money in hand. However, I will not waste my time on the free service because the return is very limited and from what I have seen offers little benefit to my site.
To conclude, you need to try different methods of getting your articles out to the masses. And the success of these different methods is dependent on your own satisfaction or lack there of, of the results rendered by such services. My advise, experiment and determine for yourself what services will help your business, who knows, that one service may be the punch in the arm your business needs to grow.
Work at Home Jobs Data Entry. How To Promote My Affiliate Programs?
There are many different ways to promote your affiliate program, however, it depends upon what type of program it is, Your Turnkey Program or Affiliate Linked-Program for selling a product. Hmm-mm, interesting. What works, what doesn’t?
Bulk Emailing Bulk emailing use to be the craze. Did you notice the word use to be the craze. That has changed with the stricter spam rules and penalties all to protect us. But bulk emailing can be done, if you have an opt-in list people who have opted-in to gladly receive your emails such as, through a newsletter.
Classified Ads With free classified ads can definitely get hits and possibly some sales. But don’t choose this as your only way of getting sales.
There are drawbacks. You ask, What drawbacks. From my own experience, I’ve encountered individuals requesting information about my program as a ploy to getting me to listen to their sales pitch. SPAM? Maybe. Annoying? Definitely. The height of annoyance is when they ask me to call them long distance, so that I can speak with them only to have them give me a sales pitch on their program.
However, if you have a classified ad site on your website you’ve got yourself a built-in opt-in list. You can gently sell to them, while verifying or thanking them for their ad.
Traffic Generators. Traffic generators can work on a turnkey site that many others are also partaking in to generate money for themselves. What I found is traffic generators are better suited for turnkey businesses. It is basically a simple way for businesses to entice other people in business to look at your program.
You know its the I’m not really happy with what I’m doing, but what else is out there syndrome. Or its the I really need another program so that I’m not a one-man Joe in business syndrome. In either case, its a safe place to see what’s happening or new on the Internet.
Message boards, Discussion Groups, Forums — These are great ways to get your message out and be personal at the same time. But you have to follow the rules, and you should contribute constructive and/or helpful information that is relevant to the discussion at hand. This is a time-consuming way to build sales but a great way to build credibility, business relationships, and sales.
Ezine and Safelist Advertising — Ezine advertising and safelist advertising are good methods of advertising. In each case, you have to join their list and follow their rules to submitting your ads.
If you want to try your hand at safelist advertising, I would suggest that you create a separate free email account on Yahoo. Why? A safelist allows all that have joined to submit their ads to you, as well as, you to them. Here, your subject line is your eye catcher so choose wisely.
Ezine advertising is a very good way to advertise your turnkey site, website, product or service. You have the option for free (need to watch for their instructions), and various paid ads. What’s great about ezines? Its an opportunity to sell to a more targeted market. The more targeted your market, the better the opportunity to get a sale.
Search Engine Optimization If you have a website you should submit to search engines.
As you can see, there are many methods of promoting but the method of promoting your business is dependent upon whether it is a turnkey affiliate program , an affiliate product of service, or a website. The choice is yours on how you want to promote — experiment, find what works, and what doesn’t — that’s the sure way of learning and growing in the Affiliate Business.
In Conclusion: Work at Home Jobs Data Entry – ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:
Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.
Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.
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About Noel W Schip
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