Entrepreneurship: The Ultimate Guide

Entrepreneurship. Rules You Must Follow if You Want to Crush It.

Entrepreneurship- The Biggest Mistake I Made in Affiliate Marketing I’ll Never Make Again.

Entrepreneurship. The “spark” for many entrepreneurs is seeing an opportunity that doesn’t yet exist.

Ted Turner, for example, launched CNN because he perceived that people wanted more television news than they were being offered.

It took a lot of patience on Turners part to realize the vision, but he had read the market in a way that few “experts” did at the time.

In realizing the promise of CNN, Turner demonstrated another facet of the entrepreneurial spirit, persistence. There are a lot of bright ideas that never reach fruition; taking a “raw” idea and converting it into a successful business model is very hard work.

And that work never stops. No matter how innovative your idea, the competition is always just behind you. With anything less than constant creative effort on your part, they may not stay behind you.


Portrait of two young women hugging and covering the golden retriever with a blanket while spending time outdoors.

Are you still with me? Here is where I reveal why everyone isn’t an entrepreneur:

No opportunity is a sure thing, even though the path to riches has been described as, simply “…you make some stuff, sell it for more than it cost you… that’s all there is except for a few million details.”

The devil is in those details, and if one is not prepared to accept the possibility of failure, one should not attempt a business start-up.

It is not indicative of a negative perspective to say that an analysis of the possible reasons for failure enhances our chances of success.

Can you separate failure of an idea from personal failure? As scary as it is to consider, many of the great entrepreneurial success stories started with a failure or two or three or ten!


How To Become An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship:- Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now: https://blueoceanway.info

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


Some types of failure can indicate that we may not be entrepreneurial material. Foremost is reaching one’s level of incompetence; if I am a great programmer, will I be a great software company president?

Attitudinal problems can also be fatal, such as excessive focus on financial rewards, without the willingness to put in the work and attention required. Addressing these possibilities requires an objectivity about ourselves that not everyone can manage.

Other types of failure can be recovered from if you “learned your lesson.” A common explanation for these is that “it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Or, we may have sought too big a “kill;” we could have looked past the flaws in a business concept because it was a business we wanted to be in. The venture could have been the victim of a muddled business concept, a weak business plan, or (more often) the absence of a plan.


When small businesses fail, the reason is generally one, or a combination, of the following:

* inadequate financing often due to overly optimistic sales projections;

* management shortcomings,

— such as inadequate financial controls, lax customer credit, inexperience, and neglect, and;

* misreading the market,

— indicated by failure to reach the “critical mass” required in sales volume and profitability,

— usually due to competitive disadvantages or market weakness.

In a recent Wall Street Journal article titled “Why My Business Failed,” Ken Elias cautions that “even if the concept is right, it won’t fly if the strategy is wrong.”

Still, on being asked whether he would start another business today, he answers: “Absolutely. The experience is fabulous, exciting and the possibility of success is always there.”


Funny portrait of smiling woman playing with dog and training golden retriever puppy in blue swimming pool. Popular dog breeds, outdoor activity and fun games with family pet on summer beach holiday.

Entrepreneurship. Women Entrepreneurs Prove Its Not Just A Mans World

 Here’s what I discovered: while some still believe it’s a man’s world, when it comes to business, women are catching up fast.

According to the Center For Women’s Business Research there are over 10 million women-owned businesses in the US, employing 18 million people and generating $2.32 trillion in sales.

Women start businesses at two times the rate of men and women-owned businesses account for 28 percent of all businesses in the United States and represent about 775,000 new startups per year and account for 55% of new startups.

One thing that I found particularly interesting was that the top growth industries for women-owned businesses in recent years were construction, wholesale trade, transportation/communications, agribusiness and manufacturing, industries traditionally dominated by men.

In the past 25 years the number of women-owned firms in the US has doubled, employment has increased four-fold and their revenues have risen five-fold.

Here is the question I sought particularly to answer: Do women approach business differently than men? I’ve been compared to a bull in a china shop when it comes to business. Would a female counterpart approach things differently? More gracefully, perhaps? As my lovely bride would say, “Duh.”

In her book, How to Run Your Business Like a Girl, Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin explored common female traits and how women entrepreneurs – and perhaps men, as well – can use those traits to their entrepreneurial advantage.


Woman and her cat working at flower shop smiling

Baskin reported that women tend to use three unique strengths more than their male counterparts: trusting their intuition, focusing on relationships, and putting more emphasis on keeping their life in balance.

Trust Your Gut

Women are much more likely to make a decision based on a gut feeling. Women may gather the facts and figures necessary to back up that feeling, but they generally know what they want to do based on intuition.

Build Strong Relationships

Men play the game of business like a sport. They are out to win and dominate. “Women,” Baskin says, “are much more interested in establishing a connection.”

Find A Balance Between Work and Life.

A number of women interviewed for this book cited on quality of life as their reason for starting a business, alluding to their desire to find a way to juggle family and work.

“If having more time for your family is important to you, find a way to work that into your day. It’s not so much how much work you do, but being able to decide when you’ll do it.”

Baskin offers one more piece of advice to women in the early stages of their business:

You Don’t Have To Know Everything.

My wife would argue this point because she really does know everything, but Baskin says when it comes to business, thinking you know everything is not the key to success.


group of beautiful caucasian red haired people together isolated over white background . brothers and sisters having red unusual hair posing and looking at camera.

“It’s amazing how many women say they didn’t know anything when they started their business,” Baskin said. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help – you don’t have to be perfect at everything.”

Solid business advice: for guys and gals.

Entrepreneurship. Young Entrepreneur’s On The Rise

I caught up with the new entrepreneurs (Terry and Sherry Braley) this January at a Biker Rally. After talking to some fellow riders they were telling me about Terry and Sherrys new website (Road Rash Apparel) and how low their prices were on their Leather Apparel.

So after digging through the crowd I finally met up with them. I introduced myself and we sat down and must have talked for over 2 hours about their new business. Well, they talked. I asked Terry and Sherry why they started their business and WHY! Do you sell your apparel so cheap?

Terry Well, we were on the Internet one night looking for some leather jackets and chaps to purchase. We must have searched for three hours looking at what seemed to be every site there was to look at and I couldn’t believe the prices of some of them.

I know you get what you pay for, but damn? I don’t want to pay for the whole cow!

Sherry It seems that all the cheep leather was that patched leather or some call it Diamond Cut leather. We weren’t interested in that. Not to say there’s anything wrong with it. If that’s what you like, then buy it. To each its own.

Terry- Yeah. I had asked around about what kind of jacket to buy. The majority of the riders I had asked, told me to get one that was made for riding. You know, just in case you lay your bike down. And patched leather wasn’t the best way to go.

Anyway, I made the comment that someone needs to start selling this stuff that caters to us poor bikers.

Sherry I looked over at Terry and said, We can do it!!


Portrait of a senior woman in nature enjoying her time with her dog

Terry A week later I quit my job and started building the website. I did A LOT of research on Leather. Types, thickness of it and where it comes from. I was almost sick of leather after about 3 days.

Anyway, we decided we wanted to purchase our leather from an American made manufacturer and I ended up finding a company in Spokane WA that had what we were looking for.

They manufacture leather apparel made for bike riders. And its damn good leather. And Ill tell you. What I pay for the jackets and what I sell them for, we don’t make a big profit on them.

Now that we’ve covered those aspects of Biker Shirts, Leather Jackets, Motorcycle Apparel, Boots, Chaps, Vests, Leather Lingerie, let’s turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

Sherry Yea, were not in it to get rich. Just make a little money and help out our fellow bikers.

Terry Since we’ve went live on the Internet we have sold more T-Shirts than jackets. That’s okay. I think when people see our prices they think its cheep leather and stray away from it. But its Top Quality Leather! You cant find our type jackets on the internet for a better price I think

Well without going into the whole 2-hour conversation we had. We continued to talk and they told me more about what they sold on their site. T-Shirts, Leather Lingerie, Boots, Chaps, Vests and the list went on. Terry said right now we sale over 700 types of t-shirts and plan on adding more.

By the time we get done, we will have well over 1500. That’s a lot of damn shirts

These were two of the friendliest people I have ever met. Both Terry and Sherry are from Georgia and reside in Douglasville Ga.

And you could tell that these were just two people really trying to look out for fellow bikers and our shallow pockets.

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Entrepreneurship- In Conclusion:  You May need to Fail many times before you have a Success. Failure is good because you will learn by your mistakes. So the true path to success is Never, Never Ever Give Up. John Crestani teaches this concept in his latest course SAS Pro 3.0

Entrepreneurship:-How To Make Extra Money From Home. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now: https://blueoceanway.info

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


WATCH: Read more interesting Articles Here: https://redoceanway.com/digital-marketing-agency

SEE MORE: Read more interesting Articles Here:  https://redoceanway.com/young-entrepreneurs

WATCH: Read more interesting Articles Here: https://redoceanway.com/how-to-be-an-affiliate-marketer  


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Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Skills?

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles, Entrepreneurship  and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter,Linkdin, Facebook,Instagram   YouTube and  https://redoceanway.com/


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Girl on a blue background rejoices at her success






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