Copywriting Freelance Jobs- How to Write the Correct Way / Like You Know What You’re Doing.
Copywriting Freelance Jobs: How to Use Copy to Stand Out from the Crowd
Copywriting Freelance Jobs. The best way to enter the writing business is to start with freelance copywriting. Freelance copywriting rates is a good money-yielding job.
Every business activity requires marketing the materials in the written form, whether big or small. Freelance copywriting may involve materials right from tiny advertisements to big training manuals.
Web marketing is very effective to run the business in a fast way. Web marketing involves web sales pages, online catalog copy, web site copy, pay per click advertising etc. Actually the opportunities for freelance copywriting are unlimited.
There is no prerequisite condition to enter this field of copywriting.
To earn good money through copywriting, the freelancer should get organized in the first place and should know how to write, so that a freelancer can get the maximum benefit out of this profession.
Almost all the businesses have their web pages and they need to keep their page rankings. Unless and until the web pages are refreshed with new contents, they cannot keep their page rankings high.
Failing to keep the content refreshed might also result in a setback to the business as the ranking might drop. There are millions of such websites, which require the assistance of the freelance copywriters. Imagine the scope for copywriting profession for yourself.
Freelance copywriting requires a bit of imagination and creativity to excel in the field. The first step is to find companies, which can pay the freelance copywriters adequately for writing their content.
The topic should be understood properly, and then the information necessary for it needs to be collected. Organizing the facts and presenting it with originality is the secret of success of a freelance copywriter.
Copywriting portfolio of the freelance copywriter is very crucial in getting good assignments, as the copywriting portfolio will consist of the materials he has written like the brochures, direct mailer samples, advertisements, web sales pages etc.
It is always good to get the consent of the client before adding the work to your portfolio, the one you wrote for them.
The legitimate way of building the portfolio of the freelance copywriter is to work for a local agency as an intern copywriter.
How To Start Copywriting With Zero Experience
Copywriting Freelance Jobs –Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:
Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.
Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.
Even though the money gained during such period is of less value, the experience gained will be of great value. Also the person will get good contacts, which can be useful while becoming a freelance copywriter.
Copywriting Freelance Jobs: A Day in the Life of a Freelance Copywriter
Ever wanted a job where you could spend all day, every day, writing clever and inspiring prose? Yes? Well don’t become a freelance copywriter!
Don’t get me wrong, its a great job, and for some of us its a calling that wont be denied. And you definitely do get to write clever and inspiring prose.
Its just that you don’t do it all day, every day. In fact, when you sit down at the end of the day and think about what you’ve done, the percentage of time spent writing is surprisingly low.
So what does a freelance copywriter do other than write copy? Well, basically, they run a business.
This article discusses 11 daily rituals involved with running a freelance website copywriting or advertising copywriting business (other than writing). It also provides some tips for performing them successfully.
1) Quoting
Freelance copywriters serve many masters. They generally have quite a few clients, and spend quite a bit of time quoting on new jobs. When you quote, you’re calculating how much to charge for the job. For a freelance copywriter, there are a number of important factors influencing quoting.
You need to have some way to accurately estimate time. Generally the best way to achieve this is to be diligent in your tracking. If you know how long past jobs have taken you, you’ll be much more confident and accurate in your estimates.
You need to know how much time you spend not writing (as you should try to cover as much of this as possible). You need to have a feel for what the client is prepared to pay (are they a big or small company, how highly do they seem to value copy, etc.).
You need to know how much your competitors are charging for the same thing. You need to understand what differentiates you from your competitors.
You need to think about how badly you want or need the work. And, of course, you need to estimate how time-consuming the client will be.
2) Submitting Proposals
A quote is not the same as a proposal. A quote is generally contained within a proposal, but its not the same thing. When you submit a copywriting proposal, you’re marketing your skills, your solution, your work ethic, your customer service, your commitment, and your experience.
Basically, you’re justifying your price, and differentiating yourself from your competition. And its not just about WHAT you say. Its also HOW you say it and how you PRESENT it.
Everything about your proposal plays a part in the clients decision! If possible, include additional helpful information.
Use a title page, a table of contents, headers, and footers. Introduce at the beginning and summarize at the end. Include your price, but call it an investment, not a cost. Show the client you’ve thought their job through by summarizing their requirements.
Outline your proposed solution. And most importantly, give the client a clear call to action (Where to from here?).
3) Chasing reviews
The freelance copywriter is almost never the bottleneck in a copywriting job. In 99.99% of copywriting jobs, the bottleneck is the review process. Most clients take a long time to review.
In fact, about a third of clients need to be prompted at least once before they’ll get back to you with their changes. Its not uncommon for a one-day writing job to take a full month to reach sign-off or longer.
Some clients will put the copy review on the backburner for months (just another reason to request a deposit before commencement of work)! As a result, freelance advertising copywriters and website copywriters spend a lot of time chasing reviews.
Make sure you factor the delay and the chasing time into your quotes as best you can. And always record which clients take a long time, so you can be prepared when discussing deadlines on the next job.
4) Project scheduling & tracking
No matter whether you work on big projects or small, project scheduling and tracking are vital. You need to know the exact status of all work in progress (tracking), and you also need to be very aware of what’s coming up and how you’ll manage it (planning).
If you’re doing it right, you should be using your tracking and planning tools several times a day. In fact, they should be the hub of your business.
TIP: A good way to track copywriting projects is to use a job (and contact) tracking database. I created my own database using Microsoft Access. (TIP: When using the database, press Ctrl + ; to enter todays date.)
5) Accounting
Issuing invoices, processing payments (and part payments), chasing outstanding invoices, recording expenses, managing bank accounts, putting tax aside It all takes a lot of time. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can handle your accounts manually (or with Microsoft Excel).
Even if you only have a few clients, you NEED a proper accounts package like MYOB or Quicken (they both offer small business versions). You’ll understand why the first time you do your GST reports or annual taxes. In fact, you’ll understand why whenever you need to chase down outstanding invoices
6) Marketing strategy
How do you generate business? Cold calls. Website. Networking. Word of mouth. Repeat business. Agencies. No matter what your strategy, you need to give it the time it deserves.
Its a good idea to average around an hour a day to thinking about and implementing marketing strategy.
7) Industry research
Stay up to date on the latest copywriting industry research. Read research on usability, readability, and scannability. Read up on search engine optimization.
Try to track how day-to-day language is changing (what buzz words to use, what buzz words to avoid, what rules are being overlooked in spoken English, what sounds make a positive impression on people, etc.).
Know the difference between writing for the web versus writing for print versus writing for search engines. If you want to scratch the surface, spend 10 minutes every day.
8) Subject matter research
Whether its website copywriting or advertising copywriting, to do a good job, you need to know a lot about your subject material. This means both specific knowledge about the clients product or service as well as more generic domain knowledge.
Clients have a tendency to not supply enough information. Make sure you interview them thoroughly. And then let them know you’ll probably need to ask further questions. Even then, you may find yourself doing a bit of independent research.
The Internet is your savior, but always run any information by your client before publishing. When you’re quoting on a job, try to figure out how much detail the client will be able to supply.
You can even ask them to estimate how much they’ll supply (i.e. All, Most, Some, or None). This is a good technique as it gets them thinking about your requirements while at the same time giving you some idea how much time you’ll spend researching.
9) Planning
In one important respect, website copywriting and advertising copywriting are no different from any other form of writing; planning is vital.
Copywriting Freelance Jobs: Why Should I Bother With Optimized Online Copywriting?
It’s no good having a creative, individual website with brilliant, informative copy if customers can’t find you on the internet. On the other hand, it’s also detrimental if you have a website that can be easily found (has a high ranking) but people become bored and alienated reading it.
Producing effective online copywriting is a creative process blending art and science in a balanced technique combining many different elements. This integration of disciplines is required to satisfy both the technical and the aesthetic objectives of a website.
Optimized online copywriting should ensure that your website is:
Highly readable to your viewers
Highly visible to the search engines, and thereby commercially successful for you.
Many people and businesses don’t have the time to actually write web copy themselves. A professional freelance copywriter can furnish you with keyword-rich, highly original web content to enhance and improve the quality of your website, with the aim of transforming more of your visitors into customers.
Rarely will you get a second chance to engage your customer’s attention, so your first shot must be formatted for maximum sales potential, catching the eye of the search engine robots as well.
But not too much If your copy goes overboard in favour of the search engines it can earn a penalty from Google that will negatively effect your rankings. Your website must always have the reader as priority. This makes more business sense anyway.
Search engines provide a way for potential customers to find you on the internet. People type a key phrase or keyword into a search engine, such as Google, Yahoo or MSN (or one of the many other popular engines) and this returns a page of listings – web page suggestions for that particular phrase or word.
Obviously, you want your website to feature highly in this list.
Optimized online copywriting specifically targets the words and phrases people are using when searching for a product on the internet (Search Engine Marketing (SEM), keyword research).
You want to make sure your website stays at the top of the listings so people go to your website before others.
With targeted copy in place, search engines are more likely to index your web site on page one, than if it does not include keyword-rich copy. This is an ever more important issue when dealing with Google, the leading search-engine today.
To rank highly in the search engines the words on your web pages should never be an afterthought, but should be included right at the beginning in the original design of your website.
Content development is the most valuable asset web developers can utilize in the bid for productive, successful search engine optimization and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Hiring a professional copywriter is a wise investment in your business future. Even if you don’t want to optimize your site you should make sure that the words on your site are reasonable, enticing, spelled correctly and artfully arranged to engage attention.
Just because you can type letters or write some emails doesn’t mean you can write the copy for your website. The writing on your homepage is often the way people determine whether the website is a scam or the genuine article, good quality or a shabby affair.
Your websites credibility takes a nose-dive if the spelling is wrong, the grammar incorrect, or it just reads like bad, clumsy English. People will be disinclined to trust your content.
Within the search engines new technologies and algorithms are being developed all the time to make search methodologies smarter, more astute.
It’s never a coincidence when someone types in a search phrase and your website is indexed highly on the page. Keyword rich online copywriting is a significant and critical component in gaining high rankings on the search engines.
Recently, Google has been pioneering a new trend of intelligent search engines which are not attracted by mere repetition of words throughout the text, but which look for meaning, attempting to make grammatical sense of the information, trying to understand what the web page is actually saying.
This is forcing webmasters to improve the content on their web pages or suffer the consequences. The old saying has never been more relevant: “content is king.”
Copywriting Freelance Jobs. How To Freelance As A Work-at-home Copywriter.
Freelance copywriting already covers a wide range of media, such as television, radio, magazines, brochures, direct mail, and SEO copy. In fact, every word in every brochure, advert, website and leaflet you see is written by the copywriter.
Before, copywriters were restricted to being in-house or by marketing / PR firms; but now, many freelance copywriters offer their services globally.
Working on a freelance copywriting job can be stressful. Just like all freelance jobs, freelance copywriting means you have to sell or market yourself, meet all deadlines or complete a job on time and on budget by making use of your skills and knowledge.
Being a copywriter enables you to choose a specific or particular market sector or product. To become a successful copywriter, you should have the ability to research a certain topic, while understanding your clients and target customers.
Aside from having excellent research skills, you also have to have imagination and creative flair to keep your ideas running while keeping your clients happy.
As with writing many types of copy, there are also different types of copywriters with various specialties in the market today.
Some copywriters specialize in specific forms of copywriting, such as direct mail or ad copy, while other copywriters take a more general approach by writing copy on general topics for no specific type of client.
Today, freelance copywriters are known to write different forms of copy and clients expect them to handle a larger workload.
Despite being demanding work, freelance copywriting can be a lot of fun and one of the best ways to make a steady income if you have the skills, the connection, and the drive to be successful.
Aside from being an avenue to earn great income, freelance copywriting also offers you the ability to work from anywhere via Internet. If you are planning to become a freelance copywriter, here are some tips to help you do the job:
1. Educate Yourself. If you want to delve into the world of freelance copywriting, then consider getting a writing degree in English, Journalism, Communications, and the like.
Having an education or a background on the career you wish to pursue can be a strong step in finding work as a copywriter.
If it’s impossible for you to earn a degree, try to earn a certification in a specialty (such as marketing), or take non-degree courses that teach copywriting (or technical writing) basics offered by many colleges.
Having a background in copywriting can serve as a credential once you venture into freelance work.
2. Get a pro bono work. If you don’t have any other experience, writing copy or an article for free will provide you with the experience you need. Writing pro bono copy for clients can also serve as sample copies once you market yourself as a freelance copywriter.
3. Intern. An internship from a recognized business or establishment in your field will add credibility to your skills. Aside from giving you experience and first-hand knowledge, an internship may also lead to permanent employment with the company.
4. Pursue various opportunities. Since the industry is booming, there are lots of freelance copywriters who serve as your competitors. If you are really into freelance copywriting, then you should always research businesses and agencies that may need copywriting services, both online and offline.
An excellent resource to learn about launching a freelance career is Andy Andersons book or audio book, How to Make Money from Home as a Freelancer, published by
The number of copywriting jobs is enormous. If you did a keyword search on “copywriting,” you would find 500-plus jobs. This is only a small part of the market, and you could find many other copywriting jobs on other websites as well, such as
With the evolution of the Internet, there are more and more jobs available to write good web content among other things on the Internet. Often many freelance copywriting jobs can be found where you will find a plethora of advertising agencies.
A good example of this would be in New York. Within your area, there will be a good number of smaller marketing agencies where you may be able to find work as a copywriter. The number of opportunities for a freelance copywriter is very high and this is a great field to work in.
Freelance and staff copywriting salaries usually range from $41,000 a year up to $85,000 a year or more. This is a rough gauge on what you could potentially make as a freelance copywriter.
Copywriting jobs are out there for the taking. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, copywriting jobs will grow in line with the general economy over the next decade.
This means you will see about average growth for the industry but you could see enormous growth if you focus on Internet copywriting.
What Does Copywriter Do? Copywriting Freelance Jobs – Conclusion: How to make money as a copywriter.
Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.
These abilities are possessed by most if not all of the successful Entrepreneurs. To some these abilities come naturally while others have to acquire them.
If you want to be successful and reach the top, the solution is obvious- possess them if not acquire them.
Please read this entire Blog if you want to learn How To Develop Work At Home and Affiliate Marketing Characteristics.
Copywriting Freelance Jobs –Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:
Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.
Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.
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The post Copywriting Freelance Jobs: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on Red Oceanway P/L.
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