Digital Marketing NJ- 12 Truths About

Digital Marketing NJ: If you are really serious about building a business, then you need to follow these 12 easy steps.

Digital Marketing NJ- What would you do if you actually knew Digital


Digital Marketing NJ. Getting noticed on the Internet – Digital Marketing for Small Business. The Internet has grown from a small network of academics needing a way to trade research into a world-spanning, marketplace.

How does a small business avoid being washed away in the constant tide of buying, selling and marketers hawking every conceivable item (and some difficult to conceive…)

The Internet provides advantages for both customer and proprietor in that one can search for exactly what is desired, without the bother of endless phone calls, driving to malls, or poring over mail-order catalogs.

What Is Digital Marketing? Video by Entrepreneur and Super Affiliate Mr John Crestani

Digital Marketing NJ. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. Digitalization In Marketing. All products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


A quick keyword or 4 and hundreds of results vie for attention on the screen. Making sure your company is one of those results near the top is a combination of factors: specificity in product offerings, Search Engine Optimization of web content and linking to and from related topics and sites.

The only way to get noticed on the Internet is to have a listing or presence, whether a dedicated website, ads on relevant sites, or by word-of-mouth.

Digital Marketing NJ

Digital Marketing NJ

Oftentimes ads on online journals, informative sites, or e-zines (online magazines) are cheaper than space in a print publication, as well as being available to a wider audience than a dedicated website may be.

Rates are often available for daily, weekly, or monthly terms, increasing flexibility and allowing a tight budget more leeway.

Word-of-mouth advertising can be very cheap, but the returns may be difficult to quantify. Digitalization In Marketing. Sponsoring web shows such as podcasts or webcasts can be a great and cheap way to gain word-of-mouth exposure.

Many times, a podcaster will be so thrilled to gain sponsorship that rates can be negotiated for very little, but make sure to approach a podcaster that has a show related somehow to your business.

Don’t overlook resources like Google’s Adwords either, as they can be slightly pricier than similar options like banner ads, but they are shown to be far more effective than pop-ups, banners, or pay-per-click ads due to their specific targeting.

When a potential customer decides to look up a product that you sell, is he or she going to find your site or listing?

Digital Marketing NJ

Digital Marketing NJ

Being specific in the terms used on your site or listing is key, as keywords are what drive the search engines like Google and Yahoo. Digitalization In Marketing. If your company sells shoes, it’s not enough to put the word “shoes” on your site–it has to be anticipatory to the searches that potential customers are doing.

Most customers have an idea of what they are looking for when doing a search, so instead of “shoes,” a customer will search for “imported Italian leather shoes.” Digitalization In Marketing. Specific focusing of terminology and product listings are involved in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as SEO is driven by specific keywords and their repetition or location on a page.

If the term “Italian Leather Shoes” is used 15 times on a website, it will pop up higher on the rating listings than one with the same words, but only as a page heading or title.

It would be easy to go overboard on this if it were the only criteria, but it is only one of many different methods search engines use to list websites by relevance.

Our article on Search Engine Optimization, located here, is a great reference to optimizing your site for maximum Search Engine Performance.

With a clear idea of where you want to go with Internet marketing, it can be a valuable tool to expand your business into the digital realm, but be careful not to go overboard, as all marketing eventually crosses into the zone of limited return.

Customers are looking for what they want–it’s up to you to make sure they run into you, and the only way they will is for you to make sure your business is at the places they are going to go.


Digital Marketing NJ

Digital Marketing NJ

Digital Marketing NJ. Discover How to Make Money Online Creating Your Own Niche Web Site.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just get on the internet for the first time, and then without a lot of work and hassle, find an opportunity to get rich overnight?

Wouldn’t we all start the so called opportunity and actually see the money be thrown at us just to be collected?


Why is it that everybody, and I do mean everybody, seems to think that this is the way it should be? Don’t you think that we all would be driving that luxurious sports car, live in a mansion and be on holiday al the time?

So first things first, there is no way you can make money online without putting in the hard work, pay your dues like all of us and learn what it is all about. Now that we have cleared that, lets talk about how you can make money online!!


Digital Marketing NJ

Digital Marketing NJ

The first thing needed to make money online is your personal decision on what you want to sell on line, this seems logical but nevertheless it is extremely important, you need to sell something to create income.

The best thing to sell according to recent studies is your personal wisdom. Nobody knows what you happen to know so this is a major advantage. They’ll never be able to take that away from you.

Why would you start of where everybody else does, by joining some sort of guru program, where in the end, the so-called guru will be the only one actually making the money while you do all the work?

Step out off the mass thinking program and become an individual, there are several ways that you can take advantage of your knowledge and let other people sell that knowledge for you, this is what the affiliate programs are for.

There are actually people out there who make it their main goal to sell other peoples products. Why not give them your product to sell.

How would you be able to create your own product you ask?

This unfortunately is where the hard work needs to be invested. The following steps need to be taken to make a irresistible product.

Find your niche product.
This can be done by using a free program called good keywords which can be found at Once installed you should use the following three keywords. learn, training and buy.

See which words grab your attention, where you’ve got some knowledge about and start writing. Try to write an Ebook of at least 100 pages to be able to ask the right price.

Set up your affiliate program.
You need an affiliate program to be able to process the orders sold by your affiliates, these programs also create the affiliate links for you. It includes a payment system and all the other things you will need.


Digital Marketing NJ

Digital Marketing NJ

Create an E-Book, Tools and a Sales page.
You then need a great looking E-Book and tools for your future affiliates to promote your products, these promotion tools should include: banners, text links, email text and if possible complete articles.

Your E-Book cover should look extremely professional since there is no opportunity for your customers to actually touch and feel. That’s why it should at least look impressive. The same goes for your sales page.

Finally, find the best affiliates.
Once you’ve tested your affiliate program, tested your sales page, went through your E-Book several times and actually made sales yourself, that’s when you are ready to find your affiliates.

Digital Marketing NJ

Horizontal view of women traveling with pet. Lifestyle with animals outdoors.

Digital Marketing NJ. How to identify quality in affiliate programs?

Defining quality is a difficult job. In general, people can’t define clearly what quality is but they recognize it when they see it. Digitalization In Marketing. So what should you look at in affiliate programs?

The most qualitative affiliate programs find the right balance between the value they offer to customers and the value they generate to affiliates:

1. Value to customers It includes:

– Rich content
– Good looking website
– State-of-the-art organization
– Friendly functionality
– Affordable Price for most visitors
– Detailed documentation
– Bonuses strengthening the main offer
– Timely Customer Support

2. Value to affiliates It includes:

– High conversion rate
– High commission
– Low refund rate
– Commission paid on time
– Good affiliate support

Digital Marketing NJ

Horizontal view of friends traveling with pet. Lifestyle with animals on holidays.

Digital Marketing NJ. Blogging with Word Press
I only entered the blogosphere in late 2015 after realizing that I was missing out on an important part of the whole online communication genre.

As I had been busy managing forums, web sites, and writing articles, I soon realized that I could firm up my two niches aviation and article writing by blogging on these topics regularly. Digitalization In Marketing. With that in mind, I soon launched a pair of blogs and I am very happy with my decision.
I selected Word Press as I believe that they offer one of the best blogging communities out there. Are you a blogger? If not, why not?

My decision to go with Word Press and not with one of the other big blogging entities such as Blogger, had everything to do with my having complete control over the site. Digitalization In Marketing. Since I host with Powweb, I discovered that my web hosting company offers over thirty different software downloads for its members.

Word Press and a few other blogging entities are represented, but I selected Word Press due to the recommendation of a friend.

Within two or three minutes of my download, I had Word Press up and running. In less than thirty minutes, I had the layout I wanted, although I kept the traditional template in place as I knew I wanted to work on my content first and on the design later. Digitalization In Marketing. Next, I updated the links on my two related sites to reflect a Blog tab.

In addition, I picked a few places within each site to announce the new blogs and I emailed everyone on my members list to inform them of my entrance into the world of blogs.

If you select Word Press as your blogging platform, you will soon discover that Version 2.0 was recently released.

Because I am new to blogging, I haven’t yet updated from my downloaded version, 1.5. I want to first make certain that Word Press has worked out any kinks that may be in the updated version. Digitalization In Marketing. In addition, not all the plug-ins you can use [there are plenty of them] with 1.5 are compatible with 2.0 just yet. Most are, but some still are not.

Digital Marketing NJ

Horizontal view of women traveling with pet. Lifestyle with animals outdoors.

Beyond the update issues, I enjoy using the administrative dashboard which allows me to create each blog. Because I include pictures with one of my blogs, Jet Movements, I also have to make certain that the HTML I use to put each picture in its place [alignment] is exact.

Word Press allows for you to do that.

In addition, I like the fact that Word Press allows administrators to schedule their entries. Digitalization In Marketing. You can blog today, but schedule your submission to appear online at an appointed time several days away. Since much of my writing inspiration comes in bunches, I often will tackle several days worth of entries at once and spread them out over the coming week.

If I want to later change the timing of an entry or squeeze in a separate one, I can do that too.

Word Press is current with todays web standards and looks much cleaner and professional than some of its competitors. Digitalization In Marketing. You can change the template over to one that is in the Word Press arsenal or design a template yourself and upload it to your site instead.

Yes, Word Press is designed to be set up through your own web host, but if you do not have a web site, you can get a free account through Web Press and they will host it for you.

Although Word Press is an open source community, meaning it is derived from and driven by volunteers, they have an active forum and many helpful links to assist you with building and maintaining your own blog.

Obviously, I am a very satisfied Word Press customer. Digitalization In Marketing. You can be a satisfied blogger too whether you select Word Press through your web host or host your blog directly with them.

Digital Marketing NJ

Horizontal view of women traveling with pet. Lifestyle with animals outdoors.

Digital Marketing NJ. Traffic Driven Method Using ‘Tell A Friend Script’

More and more webmasters with sophisticate programming skills are using customize programming script to automate their work for maintaining websites content and driving traffics to websites. Digitalization In Marketing. As clearly as you can notice, increasing numbers of improved programming scripts are in the market right now that look just like an-office-in-a-box.

Talk about the magic touch with just a few clicks, these scripts are designed for non-programmers and are highly beneficial for marketers who wants make their online marketing go viral.

This method has been developed in the past few years and it has been improving throughout the years. Digitalization In Marketing. Many success stories have spawned from this traffic driven method, which make use of the tendency of visitors to share contents that are informative, useful, entertaining or amazing.

This form of marketing strategy is typically low cost or even free to use it. Most people find it amazing because it leverages the work from visitors, never the hard work of webmaster alone. All websites would greatly benefit from viral marketing strategy.

Introducing – the legendary ‘tell a friend script’.

This is an easy viral marketing method for web marketers. It is a very simple programming script that any online marketer can install it at any websites in less than 5 minutes. Digitalization In Marketing. Visitors can now easily send email message to their friends, sharing what great information they have found.

Digital Marketing NJ

Horizontal view of friends traveling with pet. Lifestyle with animals outdoors.

The basic feature of a ‘tell a friend script’ is wherein a visitor may insert name, email address and friends email addresses. When friends receive the email, they wouldn’t consider it a spam because the sender is a friend they know and trust. Digitalization In Marketing. With 0% chance of blocking such email sent by friend they knew, this allows a wider spreading of this marketing method.

There are many sites that provide free ‘tell a friend script’, which you can download. In fact, there are over hundreds of such scripts to be used for free.

But to achieve the dynamic traffic driven effect, putting up unique and original content in the website is still the golden key for this method to work. Digitalization In Marketing. No shortcut to this method, it all depends on the hard work you spend on putting up great and useful content for your dear visitors.

Surely enough, if you have great content in your website, tell a friend script will boost up the traffics to your website.

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In Conclusion: Digital Marketing NJ. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. All products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


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WATCH: Read more interesting Articles Here:


Digital Marketing NJ.   – Recommended Products You Might Like.

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Digital Marketing NJ. Want A FREE Book?– Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

If you are looking for the #1 way to change your life and start earning a substantial income on your own, then you will want this book and to watch the Associated Online Free Training Session with the book. Here’s the Link to download the ‘Think & Grow Rich e-book and the Associated Training,==>

Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Ideas and Skills?  Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter, Linkdin,  Facebook,  Instagram   YouTube   and

P.S. FREE Money-Making Website!

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The post Digital Marketing NJ- 12 Truths About appeared first on Red Oceanway P/L.

