The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs: Exclusive: The Secret Sauce Behind This Affiliate Program Revealed!!
The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs. A Simple Way to Implement That Will Work for Anyone!
The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs. If you were to look up the word entrepreneur in the dictionary you would find that it means “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, a business usually with considerable initiative and risk.
These days the term entrepreneur is used so much that it seems like everybody from stay at home moms, to the local tattoo artist, are claiming to be such.
The truth is that as fancy as this word maybe, anyone can be an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs can be any shape, size, age, race or religion. What makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur is commitment, the willingness to lead and the passion to succeed.
There are certain characteristics that many of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs share. Listed below are a few traits that can help you determine if you truly are an entrepreneur.
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The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs – Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:
Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.
Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.
Great Focus – True entrepreneurs have great focus. These are individuals that once they have a goal set, no one or nothing can stop them from accomplishing that goal.
Creative – Most entrepreneurs have a seemingly effortless way of being creative. Thinking outside the box; that characteristic alone creates a greater earning potential for their business.
Good With Money – Being able to keep track and manage money wisely is another well-known characteristic of an entrepreneur. Knowing where every dollar and cent is and where they are going is very important to entrepreneurs.
Decision Maker – One who can make big decisions on their own without worrying about others opinions. Being able to stand behind their decision without any doubt whatsoever.
The Ability To Lead – Most entrepreneurs put themselves in the position of being the boss. This may mean that this person has employees under him/her. In this instance, the individual must be able to lead and give direction to others in a clear and productive manner.
Always Learning – True entrepreneurs never stop learning. They are always eager to discover new, more efficient ways to make their business more successful. Learning is a desire, not a necessity for these people.
Fearless – Having no fear is definitely a characteristic of a entrepreneur. Not fearing critics, competitors, consumers and most of all, not fearing failure. Not fearing these things is automatic for any real entrepreneur.
The list above will help you determine if you are indeed an entrepreneur.
If you are not an entrepreneur, but aspire to be one you will need to develop most if not all of these traits.
If you take the time to embrace and practice these traits; you will be well on your way to becoming a successful entrepreneur!
What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur?
Over the years countless institutes and individuals have asked the million dollar question.
What makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur? What traits or characteristics are inherent to a successful entrepreneur and is one born with those traits?
There’s great news! Successful entrepreneurs are born every day!
Some people believe an entrepreneur is born while others believe an entrepreneur can be taught.
Some believe an entrepreneur is like an artist – either you have it or do you don’t.
Some see entrepreneurs as leaders that are focused, disciplined, competitive, and charismatic, while others see them as huge risk takers. And all of these analogies are right to some degree.
Its true all successful entrepreneurs share a few qualities and skills that allow them to be successful.
These inherent qualities can be taught; but they often seem to be an inherent driving force that sends individuals down the path of being in business or formally training to for a career in business.
Entrepreneurs see the world differently.
They have the ability to see the world as a system. They have the ability to see something in its entirety and as an integrated unit, and they seem to possess the ability to see opportunity within the global picture.
They are what is called a system thinker.
There are other characteristics they possess. Entrepreneurs possess an overpowering need to achieve and tend to be very competitive against themselves.
They are continuously trying to outthink themselves and others and they are constantly looking for the edge.
This is a process that occurs as naturally as breathing and is a driving force behind most entrepreneurs.
They have the determination and dedication to follow through with commitments and they always appear confident and in control.
You’ll notice they also possess a positive atmosphere. They are of the mindset I can, and I will.
They are not afraid of failure because failure is not in their vocabulary nor is it an option.
They are objective but have the ability to weigh risks realistically within the big picture.
They have an uncanny ability to anticipate developments which gives them the edge on many competitive situations.
Entrepreneurs seem to feel right from their gut, call it instinct. They are a resourceful group that possess excellent problem solving skills and are able to diligently work through obstacles as they occur.
Entrepreneurs are excellent communicators and recognize how important clear and concise communication is to their success. They also possess a sound working knowledge of the business they are involved in.
When it comes to successful entrepreneurs its a question of what came first, the chicken or the egg.
Is it inherent qualities that we are born with that lead us to be entrepreneurs or is it when we choose to become an entrepreneur that we develop the skills and qualities of success?
That’s a question we shall leave to the great debaters to resolve.
What is for certain is that successful entrepreneurs are born every day and that you too can be a successful entrepreneur by developing the skills of success.
The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs. Stop Charging by the Hour and Make More Money as a Creative Professional
One of the biggest challenges with a creative business is getting paid what you are worth. The root of the problem isn’t that the client doesn’t have the money and it isn’t that the client isn’t willing to pay you what you are worth.
The root of the problem is how you are charging and how you are creating value in the mind of the client.
First, you must create a business based on value pricing and not hourly pricing. The number one worst way to charge (and most creative businesses are charging this way) is by the hour.
Frankly, it shouldn’t matter how long it takes you to solve the clients problems or provide your service, it should matter that the client is getting what he needs and what he wants. If you’re creating value and you’re giving them value, they’ll pay you for that value.
They shouldn’t be paying you for your time. If you’re being paid for your time you’re essentially setting the ceiling to how much money you can make because you can only work so many hours.
Therefore, you must determine, specifically what your value is to the customer, not how many hours you will work for that customer.
To do this, ask yourself the following questions:
How do you impact that customer or potential client?
What do you provide to them that will help them and helps solve their problems?
How will solving these problems impact the customer? Is it a problem with high impact or low impact?
What is important to the customer? Why is it important to the customer? How important is it?
Have they had experiences working with someone in your type of business before? If so, was it a good or back experience? Why? Exactly what happened?
Why is the client coming to you for this issue?
What is the client’s definition of success with this project? Ask him to describe specific ways he will know he made the right choice in hiring you.
By getting the answers to these questions – not guessing what the client will say, but actually getting the client to answer these questions – you will have the information you need to create VALUE in the mind of the client.
If they perceive your work to be valuable, they will be thrilled to pay you. If they do not perceive your work to be of value, they won’t pay you no matter how low you go on the pricing scale.
It’s all in the mind of the client. Get in their head and understand specifically what they want and, even more specifically, why they want it. Once you do that, getting paid what you are worth is a piece of cake!
The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs. Characteristics Of A Successful Entrepreneur.
Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs possess these characteristics:
1. Self-confidence
This is that magical power of having confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.
2. Achievement Oriented
Results are gained by focused and sustained effort. They concentrate on achieving a specific goal, not just accomplishing a string of unrelated tasks.
3. Risk Taker
They realize that there is a chance of loss inherent in achieving their goals, yet they have the confidence necessary to take calculated risks to achieve their goals.
Entrepreneurs are people who will make decisions, take action, and think that they can control their own destinies. They are often motivated by a spirit of independence which leads them to believe that their success depends on raw effort and hard work, not luck.
So which of these three main characteristics is the most important? Believe it or not, it has to be self-confidence. Without self-confidence, nothing else is possible.
If you don’t believe in your abilities, then the first challenge that arises may knock you off the path to achieving your goals. Here are a few things to keep in mind for maintaining a higher level of self-confidence.
Positive Thinking
Well, it all starts with a positive attitude, doesn’t it? Believing that something good will happen is the first step. Negative thinking simply is not allowed.
You must truly believe that there are no circumstances strong enough to deter you from reaching your goals. Remember too, that positive thinking can be contagious. When positive thinking spreads, it can open doors to new ideas, customers, friends, etc.
Persistent Action
Now all of the positive thinking and believing in the world is useless if it is not applied towards a goal. You have to take action, no excuses are allowed.
This action must also be persistent. Trying once and then giving up is not going to be enough. Keep at it one step at a time. If you can’t get by a certain step, then find a creative way to try again or just go around it.
At the beginning of this article we identified a few traits that are common among successful entrepreneurs. You should be able to look ahead and see yourself where you want to be.
Now just maintain a strong belief in yourself and your skills, stick with it, and don’t give up. If you can do that, you’re already half way there!
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Conclusion: The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs. These abilities are possessed by most if not all of the successful Entrepreneurs.
To some these abilities come naturally while others have to acquire them.
If you want to be successful and reach the top, the solution is obvious- possess them if not acquire them.
Please read this entire Blog if you want to learn How To Develop Entrepreneurs Business Characteristics.
The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs –Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:
Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.
Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.
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