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Entrepreneurship Jobs. How to get more customers without upping your budget
Entrepreneurship Jobs. New Innovations. How do you produce ideas for new innovations?
Here is a great technique: Extract some basic ideas from existing products and inventions, and then apply them to new areas.
If you look at a thermostat, for example, you might think “A device to control the indoor climate.”
This is certainly an idea that can be used to come up with something new. You have to look a little deeper, though, if you
want more creative innovations.

Entrepreneurship Jobs
Continue with, “It measures the temperature and then, using that information, turns the heater on or off, to keep the house comfortable.”
Continuing even deeper, we see that it uses measurement in order to control something. Let’s work with that concept.
With the technology that exists today, we can make things happen automatically, according to almost anything we can automatically measure.
This is a powerful concept that can and will lead to some fantastic new innovations.
In an article on thought control, I pointed out that since we can measure the changing activity of the brain as we change the nature of our thoughts, we can already build a device that is operated just by our thoughts.
Even with the technology of thirty years ago, we could have had a TV turn on whenever one’s pulse rate increased.
If you then trained yourself to increase your pulse rate by thinking certain thoughts, you could turn on a television with your thoughts.
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Other New Innovations
To have many such ideas and new innovations, just look around and start applying the basic concept of control by measurement. Looking at the television, and thinking of measurable things related to it, time is an obvious one.
There are “sleep timers” that turn the TV off after a certain amount of time, but how about a device that only allows the TV to be on for three hours in any given day?
Kids can watch when they want, but they won’t be able to watch too much.
A thermometer gives me the idea for a sign that changes it’s message according to the weather.
A restaurant, for example, could have the sign say “Come in out of the cold,” when it was cold, or “Cool off with an ice cold drink,” when it was hot, and so on.
I’m sure there are other businesses whose messages would be variously more or less effective according to the weather.
When I look at the traffic, I see that speed can be measured.
There are already those radar signs now, that tell you how fast you are going.
There could be a sign down the road that says “Slow down, we’re taking your picture,” or the radar gun could turn on a fake siren whenever someone goes ten miles per hour over the limit.
The idea is simply that their speed triggers something that will hopefully slow them down.

Entrepreneurship Jobs
Yesterday I saw a new invention that measures your girth. So what does it do with that information?
Well, if you hold your stomach in, you get clear sound in your headphones. If you let your stomach hang out, the music is low quality and loses volume.
While I’m not sure how well this stomach-exercise-motivator will sell, it does show how using the concept of measurement to control can lead to very different innovations.
In fact, any application of a basic concept to new areas can lead to new innovations.
Entrepreneurship Jobs. 4 Rules For New Entrepreneurs – Practical Tips For Starting Right
Its a great time to be an entrepreneur in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make more intelligent choices more quickly.
You have an advantage over big businesses in that youre lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can target new markets more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.
But being a successful entrepreneur requires that you look at the big picture and follow a plan through from beginning to end. Rieva Lesonsky, editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur Magazine gives some practical guidelines that can help you when beginning your own enterprise:

Beautiful girl enjoys outdoor with group of little cats and dog.
1.Dont Quit Your Day Job.
Consider starting your business part-time, especially if its online, while youre working and have a steady income.
It usually takes six months to a year to get a business going and you dont want your ability to make your house payment to hinge upon your company being an overnight success. Start with what you can manage, financially and time-wise, and scale up as your business grows.
2.Find Your Niche.
The days of general stores are over. Particularly online, consumers are looking for stores that specialize.
You have to find a need something a specific group of people want, but cant get at the big chain stores and fill it. Advises Lesonsky, You cant compete with the big guys, so you have to find where the big guys arent and go into your niches.
3.Have an Online Presence.
Even if youre not planning to start an online retail business, consider that the internet can still play a valuable role in your company.
Having an online presence eliminates the limitations of physical location and broadens your customer base by, literally, millions. Its also a great tool for promoting yourself and letting people, even in your own area, know that youre there, and what youre doing.
4.Refuse to Quit.
Successful entrepreneurship requires creativity, energy, and a drive to keep going when you fail. Few people realize that before Bill Gates created the extremely successful Microsoft 3.0, he created a Microsoft 1.0 and 2.0, both of which flopped but he kept at it.
And that determination and refusal to give up is what will separate successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones. Says Lesonsky, Arm yourself with optimism to get beyond the No or the trouble. There’s nothing wrong in failure just don’t repeat the same mistake!
Entrepreneurship Jobs. 3 And 1/2 Principles For The Success Of Any Entrepreneur
Many people believe that success in any enterprise is a specific result or outcome, a destination at which they arrive one day. Let me assure you that success is more than the realization of one goal, or even several goals. Success is not a specific destination… it’s a direction you choose.
Running an online business, like any other business out there, is subject to certain principles, even laws by which all of us can make an enterprise prosper – or wither and die. Obstacles are everywhere and it sometimes seems that the only possible outcome is failure. There is no need to worry, however.

Beautiful girl with dog sitting in garden
I am going to name the three and a half principles for online success and try to show you the benefits of consistent, persistent and determined action that delivers success, not as a destination, but as a direction you choose.
1. The principle of intention
This principle states that, be it in online marketing or anywhere else, nothing will manifest without intention. You must first choose to manifest a certain result or outcome before it can transpire.
Ask yourself what it is that you want, how much money do you want to earn, what kind of a relationship would you like to experience, etc.
Once you’ve decided what it is that you want (this is important, never think of things you do not want), proceed to the second principle.
2. The principle of attention
This is the harder step as you can imagine.
Placing attention on the things that can empower you and your business is very important because, as I have witnessed in my own life and career, the difference between those who have succeeded in any enterprise, made a fortune online or built a phenomenal relationship and those who have failed miserably in any venture is that they have placed attention on different things.
The first focused their attention on improving, perfecting and learning from mistakes. The ones who failed miserably failed at improving, perfecting and learning from mistakes. The successful ones placed their attention on those things that brought them a reason to continue.
Those that failed focused and gave attention to things that showed them only failure. Guess what they got. It’s natural to be scared, to lose hope, but it is not natural to remain scared and hopeless.
As I have said, obstacles are everywhere, your job is to make mistakes, to learn from them and to grow. Focus all of your attention on the things that you can use to succeed and I guarantee, you will! Nurture the spirit of correctly focused attention and life, not just your business, will start to blossom.
3. The principle of giving
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is powerful, trust me. You must first give to receive and you can easily prove this simple, but effective principle. I give away free stuff all the time and I find joy in the fact that many of the people that receive it get something of value and it doesn’t matter if they join me in any of my programs or not.
Somehow, I still make a lot of money. Somehow, I still receive value. Giving can be its own reward, but I can assure you, it won’t stop there.
3 & 1/2. The part where you receive.
This is tricky. Our minds tend to sabotage all our efforts by telling us we are not worthy of receiving the gifts or fruits of our labor. Tell yourself daily that you are the one that deserved this and you are the one who created this. All you’ll have to do next is enjoy your life and your work. You deserve it.
Entrepreneurship Jobs. Your job no longer comes with a guarantee.
Yes, that is right, you might have been taught that if you work hard, study for a professional occupation, and score high grades, your future is set.
Nothing can harm you. You get a job with your beautiful education and a good salary, and after 40 50 years of working, you retire happy and do anything you want.
Let us look at the facts: Millions of people are laid off work yearly. Some industries, like the record industry, were completely obsolete overnight.
Thousands of skilled senior executives and middle managers are losing their jobs. Some students even find themselves unemployed when they finish their courses.

Large family sitting on the carper at home with their pets, dog and cat. They are looking at camera.
Income and retirement isn’t looking too good either. Nowadays both husband and wife have to work to maintain a descent lifestyle. Statistics show that 95% of all people at age 65 are either dead, or dead broke, and that it is only 6% of the population that is financially independent and only 1% of those can be considered wealthy.
In the 90s people turned to small business as an opportunity to create the best economic return available. Most people who venture into their own business are the so-called Baby Boomers – people between the ages of 30 and 50.
These Boomers represent a third of the population and they are leading the way to make entrepreneurship the Super Career of the 21st century.
Buying a franchise was also seen as a viable option. A franchise is a safe business structure as it has proven systems in place for generating and keeping business.
Women who are disillusioned with climbing the corporate ladder started a new trend in creating home businesses which they can work around their already busy schedules as mothers.
For these entrepreneurs who are looking to start a small business from home, Network Marketing offers many attractive characteristics, including low capital risk and the ease of operation.
Unlike traditional small businesses, Network Marketing requires no expensive legal, financial or accounting services, low maintenance or overheads, no employees, advanced education or start up money.
In most cases the only requirements for success in Network Marketing are: A strong desire, integrity, attitude and action.

A group of happy mixed race friends spending time with their pets in the garden of the farmhouse
Entrepreneurship Jobs. Entrepreneurship A Leap Of Faith
Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted adventure that, without a doubt, closely resembles a roller coaster ride. When you begin an entrepreneurial journey or ride, you are aware of the gamut of experiences, both disappointing and rewarding, that you will encounter as you undertake this challenge.
Entrepreneurial challenges are not unlike most challenges in life. Hard work, long hours, and anxious moments are just a few of the characteristics of the journey to most successful outcomes.
Reoccurring questions often roam the business mind, and—although they may be phrased in a variety of ways—are basically centered on these four primary issues: more sales, more cash, more time, and more of the right people.
Starting your own business is an undertaking that requires more than vision, inspiration, sweat equity, money and determination. It is a leap of faith that demands that you let go of everything that is safe, comfortable, and proven. It is getting outside the box in the biggest way possible.
Beginning a new business venture can be risky, dangerous, and harrowing. However, with the proper preparation, the appropriate knowledge, and the counsel of a mentor or a trusted advisor, it can be a liberating and an extremely rewarding experience.
There’s a reason why many of Americas most successful people are entrepreneurs who started their own business and then saw them take off to unimaginable heights. There’s a reason why the Horatio Algers of the world continue to inspire thousands of entrepreneurs every day.
There is a reason why some of Americas greatest companies started with an idea, with meager seed capital, and with an individual who had a maniacal belief in the potential of an idea, and— along with determination and perseverance— saw it through to success.
However, for every success, there are hundreds of failures. The statistics are not only sobering, but downright frightening. More than half of all businesses started today will fail.

two middle-aged friends sunbathing in the farmyard with their pets
The failure rate is astounding. Take a look at recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and this is what you will discover: After two years, across all sectors, 44 percent of all new businesses are no longer in business. After four years, 66 percent no longer exist. And, these survival rates don’t vary much by industry.
What do the statistics tell us? That most new businesses whether they’re founded on the most brilliant idea since the theory of relativity or production of a mundane but exquisitely necessary manufacturing component are making fatal mistakes that will ultimately lead them to bankruptcy. This much is certain. If more than half of all new ventures fail, there are lessons that are not being learned.
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