Money Pits- A Beginner’s Guide NEEDS ALL THE SHIT

Money Pits – Who Else Wants to Build a Website?

Money Pits: How to Build a Website Even if You’ve Never Done WordPress Before.

Money Pits. PPC Strategy.  Allow me to explain. PPC advertising does provide diversification, and if you are an online marketer you are investing time and financial resources in a tool that is designed to provide a return on your investment (ROI).

But this diversification, while varied, provides only a marginal (and short term) return on investment.

The use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are certainly less costly while providing greater long-term ROI. House from the money pit After all if you could avoid paying an advertising bill wouldn’t you?

If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.

Money Pits

Money Pits

Warren Buffet is one of the richest men in the world, perhaps that’s why he understands that past performance or even past knowledge does not always help you manage future changes.  If you are looking there for a reference point it is time to shift your focus.

PPC is propped up as the gold standard in online advertising. I am certainly not saying its a horrid investment, but the truth is why should you pay for something you could get at no cost?

SEO is a tool that may take a little while to see returns, but in the end SEO can make a greater how to put money in the bank  impact than using a tool that provides only short-term hits, which go away when your advertising funds run dry.

Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.

How To Build A Website In 5 Minutes (And Make MONEY With It) by Super Affiliate John Crestani

 Warning: Don’t Do Anything Until You’ve Watched John Crestani’s Webinar. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


When you view PPC and SEO in light of the quote above you can link PPC with the $800 in Vegas and SEO with watching paint dry.

It may be more exciting going to Vegas and blow some cash, however it is the slow and steady progression of paint drying that allows SEO to be noticed long after you have lost the airline ticket stubs from Vegas, metaphorically speaking.

It is possible to come away from this article believing I have no use for PPC advertising the money pit tom hanks The truth is I actually believe moderate and strategic use of PPC can possess some short-term value.

But I also think that many online businesses are taking the cue from quotes from the money pit Tom Hanks in the 1986 movie, The Money Pit, they just keep flushing money away without ever really getting their business to the level they desire.

Of course the frustration Tom Hanks experienced in was the money pit found on oak island that movie will also come with the territory of banking your strategy on PPC advertising alone.

Money Pits

Beautiful photo of woman with dog and cat

Initially I think that PPC and SEO can both be used in tandem to develop a business website, but as you begin to realize SEO strategy potential, PPC advertising should be reduced and potentially eliminated from your long-term strategies depending on your overall success in SEO development.

Initially I think that PPC and SEO can both be used in tandem to develop a business website, but as you begin to realize SEO strategy potential, PPC advertising should be reduced and potentially eliminated from your long-term strategies depending on your overall success in SEO development.

Money Pits. Four Questions to Ask Before you Look for Affiliate Programs

I’ve been receiving emails from people asking for my advice on which affiliate programs are the best, who pays the most and most often, and many other basic questions. Id like to answer those questions on this blog, but I can only type so fast.

I went out this weekend looking for content that I could publish here temporarily while I got down to writing. I had a hard time finding unbiased content.

Most of the so-called reviews out there are infomercials, and that’s not what I was looking for with this blog. So you’re going to have to bear with me.

In the meantime, you need to ask yourself this are you ready for an affiliate program, or Internet Advertising in general? The Money Pit. I put together four questions you should ask before you embark on your affiliate program or any Internet advertising.

Before I get to the four questions you should ask before you embark on your affiliate program, I am going to review two concepts that I use often here on Affiliate blog. The first is what I call the macro view of your Internet presence:

Incoming visitors -> Internet Presence < – Sales or Actions You are really running two campaigns with your Internet presence — the first campaign is concerned with getting visitors to the site, and the campaign is ongoing.

Money Pits

The second campaign is to get those visitors to do something. That something may be just to spend more time at your site, or it may be to sign up for something or buy something. The other represents the process of Internet advertising: Impression -> Click -> Action

Most affiliate programs pay publishers in the last part of the process, the Action. The Money Pit Ill be using both of these concepts in my questions. So here we go

1. Do you know enough about your visitors?

There are literally thousands of affiliate programs out there. While some affiliate marketing hubs are experimenting with context-sensitive serving of affiliate banners and banner rotation on affiliate sites, YOU will be the one to decide what kind of products and services you want to offer your visitors.

This seems like a minor detail, but it is a major factor in your success.

If you haven’t already, take a look at the stats for your web site over the past month or so. Where do your visitors come from? Have you paid for Google, Yahoo or other search engine traffic?

What are the keywords that people used to get to you?  The Money Pit More complex and specific search terms tend to result in more immediate conversions, while broader search terms may result in sales later.

If people get to your site using what you believe to be broad search terms, you need to be sure that the cookie life (the amount of time that passes between someone from your site visiting the affiliate merchants site and the sale) is long.

Do you have text links or other advertising on other sites? The Money Pit Do you know the demographics of the visitors from those sites? Have you spoken to the webmaster, owner or manager of the sites on which you advertise and asked him or her about their visitors?

Do you know the websites? Have you visited the sites that advertise on the same sites as you? When you investigate all of these things a profile of the visitors to your site should begin to emerge.

Money Pits

Which search engine brings you the most traffic? If its Google, the user is slightly more apt to be male, and in the middle (of MSN, Yahoo and Google) as far as propensity toward buying something (42% more likely than the average user).

There’s a terrific article on if you want to see more details. The Money Pit You can also find some interesting demographic info on the major search engines from AQABA.

You should pay particular attention to the domains of your visitors. If you have a lot of AOL traffic for example, you should consider that the profile of the average AOL user is 35 or older (77%) and married (62%).

If you have trouble with textual representation vs. graphical representation (as I do), there is a terrific product called Visitor Ville that takes your web logs and animates them.

The text is represented as pictures (buildings, people, buses for the search engines, etc). You can see it here. Disclaimer: I am a Visitor Ville affiliate.

After all this you should be able to sit down and come up with the profile of a typical visitor. The Money Pit This profile should hopefully include estimates of age, country of origin, education and income.

Try to think like your visitors. Try to anticipate their interests and the products and services they might want to purchase.

Affiliate programs The Money Pit  raise the bar from PPC your payment comes at the end of the Internet marketing process (the Action) rather than at the beginning (Impression or Click) like Google Adsense or Doubleclick.

You need to apply more brainpower to the process, and you’ll make more money if you do it right.

2. Is your site perfect?

You’re asking someone to buy something from your site. If the pages have sloppy html code, broken links or instability from a bad Cascading Stylesheet, it makes you look cheesy.

We’ve all been uncomfortable buying something off a cheesy website. You don’t want to be that website.

Lets start with the html code. Are you sure there are no errors in it? Have you used an html checker like the one at W3C? I find mistakes in my code all the time.

Money Pits

Girl in red clothes and jack russell terrier are playing in the kitchen on christmas evening.

Unless you check your code on several browsers in several resolutions you might not catch an error. The Money Pit The validator will. If you use Cascading Stylesheets you should also visit the CSS Checker.

Speaking of validators, you should check your links often. also has a link validator.

The site should also be optimized for search engines, be easy to understand and navigate, and should have a sitemap for people (and spiders) to find their way around.

You should have had ten of your closest friends take a look at the site and give you their feedback, and you should always listen to unsolicited comments from users with an open mind and place value on them.

If someone takes the time from their busy day to send you an email about your site, they feel strongly about it and you should take a close look at what they’re talking about.

Understand that if your Incoming Visitors campaign is not working right, you’re wasting your time with your Sales or Action program.

3. Do you know what kind of ads you’re going to use, and where the ads are going to go?

People have been ignoring banners for ten years. That’s why they shake and make sounds (someday Ill tell you about the screaming match I had with a creative director the day we put out the first talking banner ad) to try to get your attention.

Where you put it on the page is going to make a huge difference. Briefly banners need to go somewhere the eye naturally rests (next to the masthead, near the navigation, at the bottom of the page).

Placement of any ads is a huge part of getting them noticed or clicked.

A lot of people (including me) believe that text ads should be placed at natural breaks and be close to the same in text size and color as the text.

You need to surf around and look at where people place their ads, and you need to figure out where you think they would work on your site.

If you plan to create pages for some of the products you endorse (a great idea), you need to figure out how prominently you want to place the advertising.

Most people wont buy something if they believe you’re shilling for a particular company. The Money Pit They will buy from someone they believe honestly endorses the product or service. You need to figure out how to keep the distinction.

Money Pits

4. What’s your hunch on the right kind of offers for your site?

I ask this question a lot. Now that you have a better idea of the demographics of your visitors, try to decide on which action you think they would be more apt to take pay-per-lead, pay-per-sale or even pay-per-click (hard to come by) on your site.

If you have a general interest website that gives away free stuff its probably going to be difficult to sell people products from that website.

It might be smarter to try to get them to sign up for a free products newsletter from one of the affiliate programs, or you may want to look for offers that target the age group of your site rather than offers that target a specific interest.

You might be looking for smaller-ticket sales or only leads. The Money Pit Leads get the user to the end of the advertising process chain, but require less of a commitment.

Try to come up with the four, five, six or fifty ways to slice this all up, by type of action, by type of sale or lead, or any other way you can come up with.

Then you can go out and find the different offers that might appeal to your visitors. The Money Pit When it comes time to place the ads, try to put different ads in similar spaces on the same pages, and see how they do.

Get your questions answered and you’re ready to take the plunge into affiliate marketing.

Money Pits

Mother and baby playing with a dog at home

Money Pits. How Blogging Can Help Your Business

Are you looking for more innovative ways to boost your online business? You can try doing blogs.

Blogs? What are blogs? According to Wikipedia the blog is a short form called for weblog. Peter Merholz The Money Pit coined the term by combining the phrase “we blog” onto the sidebar of his weblog last 1999.

A blog is a mini web site. Those who do blogs are called bloggers. They enter “posts” which shows in the blog page from the newest posts to the oldest ones.

They use blogging software and allow readers to comment on their posts. Money Pits comments are considered another new content to the blog.

Bloggers can post anything under the sun. Initially, when it was introduced, blogs were really for user’s private affair, their thoughts, activities and anything that reflects their own experiences in life. Money Pits Blogs is some sort of an online journal or diary.

Through time, the original use of blogs has expanded. Now it can be used in virtually any kind of self-expression. Blogs now can also help build your online business.

Blogs are ruthlessly taken advantage of, too. There are businesspersons unscrupulous enough and resort to publishing spam blogs or “splogs”.

The blogosphere is the vast community built by bloggers. The Money Pit The blogosphere has its own ways and means to welcome, identify and build the reputation of each new blogs introduced in the Wide World of the Web.

In this article, you will know how to utilize blogging in building your online business and contribute positively to the blogosphere.

You must familiarize yourself with the blogosphere’s set of rules that need to be followed for you to publish a successful blog.

Money Pits

Two women laughing and enjoying outdoors with their Maltese dog

The first and major rule of the blogosphere is that your blog must contribute to the blogosphere. You must publish real content and not just advertisements on your blog. Splogs are unveiled because of the overloaded advertisements disguised as content.

This may contradict with your goal to put up a business-type of blog.

But then again, if you only know how to effectively make a good blog, you can utilize it to build interest for your product and service without loading it with too much links and marketing tones referring to your business website.

This kind of blogging is the right way to positively help your business website. At the same time, it will contribute good content to the blogosphere. Do not try to sell products.

You can open discussions and speculations on products.   You can even spur other bloggers to react on your posts regarding such products.

If you are anxious to enter all internet avenues that will guarantee recognition of your products, then the blogosphere may give you good opportunities. Still it may do the reverse for your products and services, too and create problems for you.

You will not be able to control potential customers or clients to post comments to your original posts and they might expose certain issues you would best prefer to do away with.

If you fail to address the issues to the satisfaction of those commentors, it may not bode well for your business and your products. The Money Pit Not following up or reacting to comments may also be taken as a negative reaction from you.

Money Pits

Happy extended family with a dog spending time together at home.

The blogosphere now involves millions of internet users, and part of them is your potential market then. If there is negative feeling about your products, your business might suffer the consequences.

If your goal is to build a good reputation for your company and product, then, stick to issues that will not bring negative insights.

If you can achieve this, then you can out flank other media, competitors and other traditional information outlets with your blog.

If you achieve a successful SEO result for your business web site due to the excellent reputation of your blogs, then you have tapped that blog resource unable to achieve by others. Chances our, your blog posts would even come first in search results for a particular product or service.

However, if you are not 100% confident in your product or service blogging is not for you.

You must be confident of your company and its services and/or products so that you can enjoy the full benefits of blogging.

Money Pits. Full Automation

For many years I new that todays technology was able to fully automate our marketing systems, but it seemed that nobody was using it to its full extent.

Recently I came across a system that was so beautifully automated, I just knew immediately that this was going to work, and it did.

Why is it then that so many people miss it, I asked myself. It is right here under our noses. But hey wait, What is Full Automation

Full Automation to me is when your marketing system is so fully automated that it will sell, advertise, promote, appoint downlines, train them, and motivate them all at once. Does your site do that? If not then you do not use technology to the full extent.

The Money Pit

Multi ethnic young girls playing with Siberian Husky, in a living room

Here are the 10 factors you need to fully automate your system:

1. You need to collect you opt-in lists
2. Promote by giving your surfers a well developed tour
3. Let them automatically sign up
4. Set Auto responders to follow up if they dont sign up
5. Set Auto responders to train them when they do sign up
6. Use voice recording to motivate through conferencing
7. Use Conference software to have group discussions
8. Use your website to act as an training facility
9. Have a well developed duplication system
10. Setup an automated traffic generating system

With all the free script flowing over the net, it is easy to set up a system like this, and if you cant create it, make sure you join a fully automated system.

There is nothing more rewarding for me, than to leave my office for a day or two, just to come back and find a bunch of new marketers signed up, and busy with their training.

The vast array of web opportunities makes full automation difficult; because each web page you open distract you to implement a new angle into your business.

Full Automation requires attention and attention to detail. You need to think like the next customer and not like a high tech junky. Concentrate and stick to one income stream until you make it work.

Test each idea that you get on the internet against your fully automated system. If it does not fit in, leave it and move on. You cant use all the gadgets on the net. Very soon your website will be cluttered and full of other peoples promotions.

Money Pits

Young woman with dog sitting in the forest

What makes the internet a bad place is the impersonal way of trading. I like to spend time with students, chatting about what work and what don’t.

My fully automated systems give me the opportunity to do just that. It makes my internet marketing an opportunity to spend some time with fellow marketers and to build relationships. In the end they are more important than the money we make.

What is the use of time saving methods, if we just use the time to run around. Use your fully automated system to take that walk in the park, to sit under a tree and to play with your kids.

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Money Pits- In Conclusion: Warning: Don’t Do Anything Until You’ve Watched John Crestani’s Webinar.

 Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


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Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Ideas and Skills?  Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter, Linkdin,  Facebook,  Instagram   YouTube   and

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The post Money Pits- A Beginner’s Guide NEEDS ALL THE SHIT appeared first on Red Oceanway P/L.

